Muslim Explorers

Salam, families at Ihsan Muslim Explorers!


A girls’ club to build friendship bonds between girls and to connect them to their Islamic values.


Every Second and Fourth Friday of each month. A field trip will planned once every two months.

Where: Ihsan worldwide

Cost: $25/month/girl to cover the cost of any needed supplies or snacks

Who: girls 11-14 ( any girl who thinks might benefit).

Parents are welcome to stay and help.


Quran: Surat Al hujurat + Surat An-Nur Islamic Studies: Safar Level 4 or a book we can read together Social studies: Health & Wellness Projects & Skills: pilates, crochet, poetry

A number that we can use to contact you on whatssap
Price: $25.00
Cost: $25/month/girl to cover the cost of any needed supplies or snacks The cost will be per month. Therefore, this payment is a recurring payment that will end at the end of May. You can pay cash or check! Please note, any extra curricular activities or field trip will be the parent's responsibility to pay for.